Learn about the gamification approach
The CAPrice game is based on a real world scenario (specifically on popular mobile apps). It is designed primarily for high-school students but can be played by any team of individuals.
The CAPrice game gives a pleasant way to learn about the topic of digital privacy. We gathered data from Google Play store regarding the permissions of eleven apps that are famous and popular (especially among kids and teenagers). We designed an interactive quiz/game on the Kahoot platform based on these elements. We have already tested it to some high schools that have visited our Institute and it was also demonstrated at several events (such as the TEDxUniversityOfCrete conference, the Researchers Night 2018, the Google Dev Fest Greece 2018 and the Greek Safer Internet Day 2019).

More Details about the Game
It requires only network access and a teacher/manager to control the whole game. The CAPrice game contains a lot of fun features (music and sound effects, scoreboard to show the current top-scoring players, extra points for correct sequential answers and awards for the top-3 players) in order to motivate all players. Furthermore, it offers a singleplayer and a multiplayer mode. The game is highly configurable and scalable to include more questions or request relevant feedback from the players. Besides the fun, all the results of the game could be saved and exported in various formats (e.g. csv file) in order to gain more knowledge by drawing conclusions about users privacy expectations and by paying attention to the correct answers.
Wanna play? – check the above links:
There are two online instances available: In english and greek language. Click on the respective flag in order to start playing the game in a classic or a team mode. You’ll just need to press the “Start” button after some players have joined the game by entering the appropriate game pin and their alias. Have Fun!
The game was designed and developed by Ioannis Chrysakis. It is based on Kahoot! game-based learning platform. All rights reserved by Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute of Compute Science, Information Systems Laboratory.